Sunday, February 21, 2010

Moses had the burning bush, I have my burning oven!

One of the things I have decided to focus on during Lent is simplifying my life. One aspect of this focus is to eliminate materialistic waste. In my first post, I said that when I looked at the checkbook register, I saw line after line of waste. Specifically, we were eating out so much!! During the week we were so busy, that I would swing by a pick up something at a fast food restaurant. We would always eat out at least once on the weekend and had even started eating our after church on Sunday. I would stop by the convenience store in the morning and get a drink and a Reese cup several mornings a week. So my plan was to eliminate this waste to help our health and the checkbook. I am sure hoping to see some results on both fronts.

However, God had a different reason for putting this issue on my heart. I have realized that as a mother, it is my job to provide, to the best of my ability, for my family. Fast food and numerous meals at restaurants is definitely NOT to the best of my ability. Easy for me, but not best for my family. So over the last week, we have not eaten out at all. I have cooked every night, even on the weekend!!! I have always loved to cook, and I have enjoyed getting back in the kitchen. I feel as if I am putting my family first, just as God would want. Sure, after a full day of work, cooking may not be at the top of my list, but hanging on the cross probably wasn't near the top of Jesus' list either. So I continue my Lenten journey in the kitchen cooking and enjoying dinner with my family each night.

So as my Lenten journey continues, I am sure that God has many other surprises that he will reveal. Because, after all, it's all about Him anyway!!

In His precious name,


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Beginnings and hearing God "in my brain"

I have never in 35 years been so excited about Lent. I have to get these words out so I decided that a blog about my Lent experience would be a great idea. No one may ever read these entries, but I can look back and see what things were on my heart. So here we go......starting the journey to the Cross.

I had the opportunity to teach our adult Sunday school class the past 2 Sundays on the topic of Lent. ( I wonder Who made that opportunity happen???) I have been researching to find out as much as I can about the many traditions of Lent. As I told my Sunday school class, I have always only thought of Lent as a time to give up something. I never really did anything else. I didn't pray about it or really participate in many of the services during Lent. So, all in all, my Lent experience has not been very fulfilling.

However, I am trying this Lenten season to make changes in my life to glorify my Lord and Savior. With his guidance, I am on a journey to the cross and I have never been so ready!!!

So we have been discussing as a family what we can give up or add for Lent. I suggested fast food. Jody and I are in, Haden maybe, Whitman definitely NOT!!! However, since we pay for
the trips, he may get to participate in that one by default! We have decided to make an effort to be kind to each other. That may sound bad, but you know how brothers can be. We just need to make sure that we show love to each other whenever we have the opportunity. I am giving up Facebook. I have also decided to just try and simplify the material things in my life. I see a lot of waste when I look at the checkbook. I (we) could definitely do better.

On a funny note, as we were riding home from school, Haden said "How many things do we have to give up?" I told him that was between him and God. Not missing a beat, he said, "He said one." I asked him when God told him. He said, " He just told me in my brain." Can't argue with that!

In His Precious Name,


P.S. Just a note: One should not attempt to blog while making grilled cheese sandwiches!!